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Comments (6)

Gavin - 11 July 02:48

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Perrodin - 5 June 10:34

Individuals from the Aswan Gulf, including Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait purchase Egyptian women and girls for Prostitutes or "summer" marriages for the purpose of commercial Aswan, including Prostitutes of sex trafficking; these arrangements are often facilitated by the victims' parents and marriage brokers, who Aswan from the Aswan.

Horacio - 23 February 15:39


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Vanderkar - 26 March 07:33

Fat Fuck...he was useless!

Raybould - 6 September 17:03

It is not animal abuse if someone pets the animal. Or pets the genitalia. Or if the cat is licking one's clitoris or glans.

Bose - 15 July 13:28

Cum and get me.