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Comments (7)

Pattie - 30 November 22:56

Coince mes images, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier reflechir, besoin simplement rencontrer et profiter de l’ambiance, et de tendresse et d’affection je garantis!

Linwood - 5 March 03:16

Forgot your password? Don't have an account?

Dekort - 5 April 16:33

Those other girls haha

Dez - 22 October 06:37

Well, given the answer to the last question, this one gets a little different. Really, it's more What changed your previous viewpoint? The answer to that is: I've always maintained that personality is far more important than a person's physical body. I had thought that mostly with respect to body shape rather than physical sex, but that's definitely started to change thanks to falling hard for my best friend, who is also male. I had never entertained any thoughts or fantasies about males until then, but since that, I've had them about as frequently as ones about females.

Beahan - 8 March 08:55

She has a very sexy slim figure and she moves well .

Vicenta - 16 November 12:43

She is such a Cutie!!!

Brosi - 19 August 21:30

In Japan's case, I'm putting my money on porn addiction. Between all of Japan's different cultural hangups around relationships and sex, it's basically the perfect storm for diving head first into a porn-filled sexual death spiral and not having support system to get out.

Sanches - 18 November 03:54

I know u this chick is... our rip that pussy... slw