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Comments (8)

Turso - 4 February 22:47

Reve vous toi chez moi lits, moi tres ennuyeux quand je suis seul!

Czolba - 7 December 12:17

Ici plus bellissima putes: chic et mince poupées et dépravé putains.

Bibi - 22 December 05:22

Employee, masseuse, superhero, clergy, enemy, ex, porn stars, coach, blonde,

Deloatch - 17 May 05:10

I and my wife would like to clean up the slimy disgusting mess with our tongues..

Karena - 23 April 16:29

I'm a virgin, with no intention of changing that anytime soon, but I've still been on birth control for over a year now to control my cramps. I used to take Naproxen (Aleve), and my doctor said I could take two pills every six hours, but even that didn't entirely make the pain go away, and it also made my head feel strange. Then I got diagnosed with endometriosis and I started taking the birth control, and it's amazing how much it's helped.

Arthur - 20 March 19:43

She's right. I'm watching. And I wouldn't mind titfucking her.

Pinto - 7 February 21:36

The impression I got is that they're using the term solely in the context of people rejecting those within the binary for that reason and that reason only. I'm neutrois and pansexual, and I get REALLY angry when people give my partner grief simply for being cis-het. The arbitrary Fuck allies attitude needs to stop.