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Comments (2)

Stacy - 7 March 19:32

Passionne, aime caresser sa chatte. Appelez-moi, passer des heures seul avec vous, et moi malheureux.

Thelin - 22 September 13:55

Sur notre ressource soumis les profils passione lady Velbert, prêtes à te baiser toute la journée. Détendez-vous à

Millard - 1 July 08:37

I thought that was a cleaning rag. That is how I carry a cleaning rag sometimes. I think the right thing in the classroom would be bluntness. Anything else is pretentious or martyrish. But polite bluntness. This exercise reminds me of The Emperor's New Clothes.

Waley - 21 September 18:05

uhm not brutal in anyway, quite dull, these old codgers can hardly manage to fuck never mind do it brutally

Toby - 26 January 23:05

That's what it's all about. Pleasure the female to orgasm so that her eager cunt remains available for you to drop a load of jizz whenever you feel the need.

Waley - 11 April 23:39

Very nice,there's something about watching older ppl.

Tressa - 26 November 13:34

any delhi wonen wanna to et fucked hard can add me