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Comments (9)

Goethals - 21 December 09:02

Magnifique putain cherche homme pour le fougueux communication!

Perry - 26 December 06:14

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Kandra - 29 April 02:11

Lovin it

Kennith - 9 January 21:57

Excess means more than necessary or outside of the norm such as in excessive, though not a created norm like synophrys being a problem in the west.]

Connie - 1 March 19:44

Would you keep captioning the videos?

Hans - 22 May 18:31

I gave you a coherent answer. If you don't understand it, say so. I'm not sure how else to explain that asexuals are INDIVIDUALS, and there's no blanket answer to your question, just like there isn't a blanket answer to your question if you asked it to sexual people.

Henery - 25 May 08:53

No, unless you eat through your urethra.