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Comments (4)

Scamehorn - 15 January 18:14

Passionne beaute avec de douces formes pantalon, tlphone plutt!

Cutsinger - 20 July 17:31

Sympatique minou, attends insouciants liens poursuivre. Je suis toujours heureux aider detendre.

Kocaj - 16 June 08:48

4 Fear of making a mistake or causing harm due to being incompetent. If it's an unfamiliar situation I do have to make a conscious effort to take action even though I'm afraid I might screw up. The woman having a seizure was the toughest one in that regard because I had no idea what caused it or if she was in life threatening danger, which made taking responsibility in the situation more intimidating.

Admin - 2 March 05:12

He couldn't get it up for her, the wanker.

Koenen - 2 December 15:25

Oh and throw in some racial stereotypes if you can. No, no, the ones that don't benefit caucasians. Ok.

Eugena - 13 May 20:16

Who's this? Love those tits!

Jeanne. Age: 21
Lina. Age: 26
Ocean. Age: 18